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마인크래프트 스파웃 플러그인

아이템을 자신이 직접 만들어 보자 (UltraItems v0.9 for CB 1337 Oct 25, 2011)

이 플러그인은 자신이 직접 아이템을 만들 수 있습니다.


<font color="red" size="5">Warning: This plugin requires development version of spoutcraft (check 'use latest dev build' in spoutcraft options) because of bug where items.png is in inventory instead of texture.</font>





요리나 무기, 총을 만들 수도 있습니다.





Following example should be working with dev version. If you can't use something, download dev version first.

UltraItems: # main container
    flashwand: # item name (used when obtaining item via command)
        title: Lightning wand # title shown when cursor moved on item in inventory
        url: http://ogion.cz/files/items/flash.png # url of image to set to inventory item (it is currently only in inventory and in-hand)
        lclick: # left click section
            action: |
              /zap # command sent when left clicking with item in-hand
              let them burn! #you can specify more action as same as multiple permissions to bypass just add multi-line notation (pipe, vertical bar or whatever you call |)
              #also you can use variables $player, $coords, $world
            permissionbypass: flashplugin.zap # temporarily adds specified permission (removed after performing of action), not recommended to use (if you leave item in chest everybody can use it).
        rclick: # right click section
            action: /zap multi# command sent when right clicking with item in-hand
        title: Notch crackers
        url: http://ogion.cz/files/items/notch.png
            health: 20 # 2 = 1 hearth, you can use negative values too
            hunger: 20 # 2 = 1 hunger unit (chicken leg), you can use negative values too
            consume: true # whether or not is item consumed after clicking
            sound: http://ogion.cz/files/items/crunch.ogg
        maxstacksize: 6 # maximal size of stack
        - type: shaped
          amount: 2 # amount of items gained by crafting
          ingredients: |
            0 266
            266 357 266
            0 266
        title: Obsidian sword
        url: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1189439/osword.png
        instantbreak: true # instantly breaks the block being destroyed
            entity: 80 # damage caused to entity (2 = 1 hearth)
        - type: furnace # you can use furnace, shaped or shapeless
          ingredients: "49" # ingredient id:data
        - type: shaped
          ingredients: |
            0 49
            0 49
            0 cracker
          # note you can use item names in recipes (item has to be specified before used in recipe)








펄미션 노드

  • ultraitems.* - All UltraItems' commands
  • ultraitems.reload - Reload config (default: op)
  • ultraitems.list - Show list of items (default: true)
  • ultraitems.give - Give item (default: true)
  • ultraitems.give.* - Give all items (default: true)
  • ultraitems.craft.* - Craft all items (default: true)




  • /ultraitems <itemname> [amount] - gives player item itemname
  • /ultraitems list - shows list of items
  • /ultraitems reload - reloads configuration file (this works quite weird if you updated recipes so rather use /reload)
  • /ultraitems replace - replaces items before new spout item api with new ones