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package me.mrCookieSlime.Slimefun.Lists;

import me.mrCookieSlime.CSCoreLibPlugin.general.Inventory.Item.CustomArmor;

import me.mrCookieSlime.CSCoreLibPlugin.general.Inventory.Item.CustomItem;

import me.mrCookieSlime.CSCoreLibPlugin.general.Inventory.Item.CustomPotion;

import me.mrCookieSlime.CSCoreLibPlugin.general.String.Christmas;

import me.mrCookieSlime.CSCoreLibPlugin.general.World.CustomSkull;

import org.bukkit.Color;

import org.bukkit.FireworkEffect;

import org.bukkit.FireworkEffect.Type;

import org.bukkit.Material;

import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;

import org.bukkit.inventory.meta.FireworkEffectMeta;

import org.bukkit.material.MaterialData;

import org.bukkit.potion.PotionEffect;

import org.bukkit.potion.PotionEffectType;

public class SlimefunItems {

/* Items */

public static ItemStack PORTABLE_CRAFTER = new CustomItem(Material.BOOK, "&6Portable Crafter", 0, new String[] {"&a&oA portable Crafting Table", "", "&eRight Click&7 to open"});

public static ItemStack PORTABLE_ENCHANTER = new CustomItem(Material.BOOK, "&6Portable Enchanter", 0, new String[] {"&a&oA portable Enchanting Table", "", "&eRight Click&7 to open"});

public static ItemStack PORTABLE_DUSTBIN = new CustomItem(Material.BUCKET, "&6Portable Dustbin", 0, new String[] {"&a&oExterminates all Items thrown into it from the World", "", "&eRight Click&7 to open"});

public static ItemStack ENDER_BACKPACK = null;

public static ItemStack MAGIC_EYE_OF_ENDER = new CustomItem(Material.EYE_OF_ENDER, "&6&lMagic Eye of Ender", 0, new String[] {"&4&lRequires full Ender Armor", "", "&7&eRight Click&7 to shoot an Ender Pearl"});

public static ItemStack BROKEN_SPAWNER = new CustomItem(Material.MOB_SPAWNER, "&cBroken Spawner", 0, new String[] {"&7Type: &b<Type>", "", "짠cFractured, must be repaired in an Ancient Altar"});

public static ItemStack REPAIRED_SPAWNER = new CustomItem(Material.MOB_SPAWNER, "&bReinforced Spawner", 0, new String[] {"&7Type: &b<Type>"});


public static ItemStack INFERNAL_BONEMEAL = new CustomItem(new MaterialData(Material.INK_SACK, (byte) 15), "&4Infernal Bonemeal", "", "짠cSpeeds up the Growth of", "짠cNether Warts as well");

/* Gadgets */

public static ItemStack GOLD_PAN = new CustomItem(Material.BOWL, "&6Gold Pan", 0, new String[] {"&a&oCan get you all kinds of Goodies...", "", "&7&eRight Click&7 to pan various Stuff out of Gravel"});

public static ItemStack PARACHUTE = new CustomArmor(new CustomItem(Material.LEATHER_CHESTPLATE, "&r&lParachute", 0, new String[] {"", "&7Hold &eShift&7 to use"}), Color.WHITE);

public static ItemStack GRAPPLING_HOOK = new CustomItem(Material.LEASH, "&6Grappling Hook", 0, new String[] {"", "&7&eRight Click&7 to use"});

public static ItemStack SOLAR_HELMET = new CustomItem(Material.IRON_HELMET, "&bSolar Helmet", 0, new String[] {"", "&a&oCharges held Items and Armor"});

public static ItemStack CLOTH = new CustomItem(Material.PAPER, "&bCloth", 0);

public static ItemStack CAN = new CustomItem(Material.IRON_INGOT, "&bCan", 0);

public static ItemStack NIGHT_VISION_GOGGLES = new CustomArmor(new CustomItem(Material.LEATHER_HELMET, "&aNight Vision Goggles", 0, new String[] {"", "&9+ Night Vision"}), Color.BLACK);

public static ItemStack FARMER_SHOES = new CustomArmor(new CustomItem(Material.LEATHER_BOOTS, "&eFarmer Shoes", 0, new String[] {"", "&6&oPrevents you from trampling your Crops"}), Color.YELLOW);

public static ItemStack INFUSED_MAGNET = new CustomItem(Material.IRON_INGOT, "&aInfused Magnet" , 0, new String[] {"", "&rMagical infused Magnets seem", "&rto affect nearby Items now", "&ras long as it is somewhere in", "&ryour Inventory", "", "&7Hold &eShift&7 to pick up nearby Items"});

public static ItemStack FLASK_OF_KNOWLEDGE = new CustomItem(Material.GLASS_BOTTLE, "&cFlask of Knowledge", 0, new String[] {"", "&rAllows you to store some of", "&ryour Experience in a Bottle", "&7Cost: &a1 Level"});

public static ItemStack RAG = new CustomItem(Material.PAPER, "&cRag", 0, new String[] {"", "&aLevel I - Medical Supply", "", "&rRestores 2 Hearts", "&rExtinguishes Fire", "", "&7&eRight Click&7 to use"});

public static ItemStack BANDAGE = new CustomItem(Material.PAPER, "&cBandage", 0, new String[] {"", "&aLevel II - Medical Supply", "", "&rRestores 4 Hearts", "&rExtinguishes Fire", "", "&7&eRight Click&7 to use"});

public static ItemStack SPLINT = new CustomItem(Material.STICK, "&cSplint", 0, new String[] {"", "&aLevel I - Medical Supply", "", "&rRestores 2 Hearts", "", "&7&eRight Click&7 to use"});

public static ItemStack VITAMINS = new CustomItem(Material.NETHER_STALK, "&cVitamins", 0, new String[] {"", "&aLevel III - Medical Supply", "", "&rRestores 4 Hearts", "&rExtinguishes Fire", "&rCures Poison/Wither/Radiation", "", "&7&eRight Click&7 to use"});

public static ItemStack MEDICINE = new CustomItem(Material.POTION, "&cMedicine", 8229, new String[] {"", "&aLevel III - Medical Supply", "", "&rRestores 4 Hearts", "&rExtinguishes Fire", "&rCures Poison/Wither/Radiation", "", "&7&eRight Click&7 to drink"});

/* Backpacks */

public static ItemStack BACKPACK_SMALL = null;

public static ItemStack BACKPACK_MEDIUM = null;

public static ItemStack BACKPACK_LARGE = null;

public static ItemStack WOVEN_BACKPACK = null;

public static ItemStack GILDED_BACKPACK = null;

public static ItemStack BOUND_BACKPACK = null;

public static ItemStack COOLER = null;

static {

try {

BACKPACK_SMALL = new CustomItem(CustomSkull.getItem("eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNDBjYjFlNjdiNTEyYWIyZDRiZjNkN2FjZTBlYWFmNjFjMzJjZDQ2ODFkZGMzOTg3Y2ViMzI2NzA2YTMzZmEifX19"), "&eSmall Backpack", new String[] {"", "&7Size: &e9", "&7ID: <ID>", "", "&7&eRight Click&7 to open"});

BACKPACK_MEDIUM = new CustomItem(CustomSkull.getItem("eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNDBjYjFlNjdiNTEyYWIyZDRiZjNkN2FjZTBlYWFmNjFjMzJjZDQ2ODFkZGMzOTg3Y2ViMzI2NzA2YTMzZmEifX19"), "&eBackpack", new String[] {"", "&7Size: &e18", "&7ID: <ID>", "", "&7&eRight Click&7 to open"});

BACKPACK_LARGE = new CustomItem(CustomSkull.getItem("eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNDBjYjFlNjdiNTEyYWIyZDRiZjNkN2FjZTBlYWFmNjFjMzJjZDQ2ODFkZGMzOTg3Y2ViMzI2NzA2YTMzZmEifX19"), "&eLarge Backpack", new String[] {"", "&7Size: &e27", "&7ID: <ID>", "", "&7&eRight Click&7 to open"});

WOVEN_BACKPACK = new CustomItem(CustomSkull.getItem("eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNDBjYjFlNjdiNTEyYWIyZDRiZjNkN2FjZTBlYWFmNjFjMzJjZDQ2ODFkZGMzOTg3Y2ViMzI2NzA2YTMzZmEifX19"), "&eWoven Backpack", new String[] {"", "&7Size: &e36", "&7ID: <ID>", "", "&7&eRight Click&7 to open"});

GILDED_BACKPACK = new CustomItem(CustomSkull.getItem("eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNDBjYjFlNjdiNTEyYWIyZDRiZjNkN2FjZTBlYWFmNjFjMzJjZDQ2ODFkZGMzOTg3Y2ViMzI2NzA2YTMzZmEifX19"), "&eGilded Backpack", new String[] {"", "&7Size: &e45", "&7ID: <ID>", "", "&7&eRight Click&7 to open"});

BOUND_BACKPACK = new CustomItem(CustomSkull.getItem("eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMmEzYjM0ODYyYjlhZmI2M2NmOGQ1Nzc5OTY2ZDNmYmE3MGFmODJiMDRlODNmM2VhZjY0NDlhZWJhIn19fQ=="), "&cSoulbound Backpack", new String[] {"", "&7Size: &e36", "&7ID: <ID>", "", "&7&eRight Click&7 to open"});

COOLER = new CustomItem(CustomSkull.getItem("eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZDRjMTU3MjU4NGViNWRlMjI5ZGU5ZjVhNGY3NzlkMGFhY2JhZmZkMzNiY2IzM2ViNDUzNmE2YTJiYzZhMSJ9fX0="), "&bCooler", new String[] {"&rAllows you to store Juices/Smoothies", "&rand automatically consumes them when you are hungry", "&rand you have this in your Inventory", "", "&7Size: &e27", "&7ID: <ID>", "", "&7&eRight Click&7 to open"});

ENDER_BACKPACK = new CustomItem(CustomSkull.getItem("eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMmEzYjM0ODYyYjlhZmI2M2NmOGQ1Nzc5OTY2ZDNmYmE3MGFmODJiMDRlODNmM2VhZjY0NDlhZWJhIn19fQ=="), "&6Ender Backpack", new String[] {"&a&oA portable Ender Chest", "", "&eRight Click&7 to open"});

} catch (Exception e) {




public static ItemStack DEPRECATED_BACKPACK_SMALL = new CustomItem(Material.CHEST, "&eSmall Backpack", 0, new String[] {"", "&7Size: &e9", "&7ID: <ID>", "", "&7&eRight Click&7 to open"});

public static ItemStack DEPRECATED_BACKPACK_MEDIUM = new CustomItem(Material.CHEST, "&eBackpack", 0, new String[] {"", "&7Size: &e18", "&7ID: <ID>", "", "&7&eRight Click&7 to open"});

public static ItemStack DEPRECATED_BACKPACK_LARGE = new CustomItem(Material.CHEST, "&eLarge Backpack", 0, new String[] {"", "&7Size: &e27", "&7ID: <ID>", "", "&7&eRight Click&7 to open"});

public static ItemStack DEPRECATED_WOVEN_BACKPACK = new CustomItem(Material.CHEST, "&eWoven Backpack", 0, new String[] {"", "&7Size: &e36", "&7ID: <ID>", "", "&7&eRight Click&7 to open"});

public static ItemStack DEPRECATED_GILDED_BACKPACK = new CustomItem(Material.CHEST, "&eGilded Backpack", 0, new String[] {"", "&7Size: &e45", "&7ID: <ID>", "", "&7&eRight Click&7 to open"});

public static ItemStack DEPRECATED_BOUND_BACKPACK = new CustomItem(Material.ENDER_CHEST, "&cSoulbound Backpack", 0, new String[] {"", "&7Size: &e36", "&7ID: <ID>", "", "&7&eRight Click&7 to open"});

public static ItemStack DEPRECATED_COOLER = new CustomItem(Material.CHEST, "&bCooler", 0, new String[] {"&rAllows you to store Juices/Smoothies", "&rand automatically consumes them when you are hungry", "&rand you have this in your Inventory", "", "&7Size: &e27", "&7ID: <ID>", "", "&7&eRight Click&7 to open"});

/* Jetpacks */

public static ItemStack DURALUMIN_JETPACK = new CustomArmor(new CustomItem(Material.LEATHER_CHESTPLATE, "&6Electric Jetpack &7- &eI", 0, new String[] {"&7Material: &bDuralumin", "&7Charge: &b0.0 J", "&7Capacity: &b15.0 J", "&7Thrust: &e0.35", "", "&7Hold &eShift&7 to use"}), Color.SILVER);

public static ItemStack SOLDER_JETPACK = new CustomArmor(new CustomItem(Material.LEATHER_CHESTPLATE, "&6Electric Jetpack &7- &eII", 0, new String[] {"&7Material: &bSolder", "&7Charge: &b0.0 J", "&7Capacity: &b20.0 J", "&7Thrust: &e0.4", "", "&7Hold &eShift&7 to use"}), Color.SILVER);

public static ItemStack BILLON_JETPACK = new CustomArmor(new CustomItem(Material.LEATHER_CHESTPLATE, "&6Electric Jetpack &7- &eIII", 0, new String[] {"&7Material: &bBillon", "&7Charge: &b0.0 J", "&7Capacity: &b25.0 J", "&7Thrust: &e0.45", "", "&7Hold &eShift&7 to use"}), Color.SILVER);

public static ItemStack STEEL_JETPACK = new CustomArmor(new CustomItem(Material.LEATHER_CHESTPLATE, "&6Electric Jetpack &7- &eIV", 0, new String[] {"&7Material: &bSteel", "&7Charge: &b0.0 J", "&7Capacity: &b30.0 J", "&7Thrust: &e0.5", "", "&7Hold &eShift&7 to use"}), Color.SILVER);

public static ItemStack DAMASCUS_STEEL_JETPACK = new CustomArmor(new CustomItem(Material.LEATHER_CHESTPLATE, "&6Electric Jetpack &7- &eV", 0, new String[] {"&7Material: &bDamascus Steel", "&7Charge: &b0.0 J", "&7Capacity: &b35.0 J", "&7Thrust: &e0.55", "", "&7Hold &eShift&7 to use"}), Color.SILVER);

public static ItemStack REINFORCED_ALLOY_JETPACK = new CustomArmor(new CustomItem(Material.LEATHER_CHESTPLATE, "&6Electric Jetpack &7- &eVI", 0, new String[] {"&7Material: &bReinforced Alloy", "&7Charge: &b0.0 J", "&7Capacity: &b45.0 J", "&7Thrust: &e0.6", "", "&7Hold &eShift&7 to use"}), Color.SILVER);

public static ItemStack CARBONADO_JETPACK = new CustomArmor(new CustomItem(Material.LEATHER_CHESTPLATE, "&6Electric Jetpack &7- &eVII", 0, new String[] {"&7Material: &bCarbonado", "&7Charge: &b0.0 J", "&7Capacity: &b75.0 J", "&7Thrust: &e0.7", "", "&7Hold &eShift&7 to use"}), Color.BLACK);

public static ItemStack ARMORED_JETPACK = new CustomItem(Material.IRON_CHESTPLATE, "&6Armored Jetpack", 0, new String[] {"&7Material: &bSteel", "&7Charge: &b0.0 J", "&7Capacity: &b30.0 J", "&7Thrust: &e0.45", "", "&7Hold &eShift&7 to use"});

/* Jetboots */

public static ItemStack DURALUMIN_JETBOOTS = new CustomArmor(new CustomItem(Material.LEATHER_BOOTS, "&6Jet Boots &7- &eI", 0, new String[] {"&7Material: &bDuralumin", "&7Charge: &b0.0 J", "&7Capacity: &b15.0 J", "&7Speed: &e0.35", "&7Accuracy: &e50%", "", "&7Hold &eShift&7 to use"}), Color.SILVER);

public static ItemStack SOLDER_JETBOOTS = new CustomArmor(new CustomItem(Material.LEATHER_BOOTS, "&6Jet Boots &7- &eII", 0, new String[] {"&7Material: &bSolder", "&7Charge: &b0.0 J", "&7Capacity: &b20.0 J", "&7Speed: &e0.4", "&7Accuracy: &e60%", "", "&7Hold &eShift&7 to use"}), Color.SILVER);

public static ItemStack BILLON_JETBOOTS = new CustomArmor(new CustomItem(Material.LEATHER_BOOTS, "&6Jet Boots &7- &eIII", 0, new String[] {"&7Material: &bBillon", "&7Charge: &b0.0 J", "&7Capacity: &b25.0 J", "&7Speed: &e0.45", "&7Accuracy: &e65%", "", "&7Hold &eShift&7 to use"}), Color.SILVER);

public static ItemStack STEEL_JETBOOTS = new CustomArmor(new CustomItem(Material.LEATHER_BOOTS, "&6Jet Boots &7- &eIV", 0, new String[] {"&7Material: &bSteel", "&7Charge: &b0.0 J", "&7Capacity: &b30.0 J", "&7Speed: &e0.5", "&7Accuracy: &e70%", "", "&7Hold &eShift&7 to use"}), Color.SILVER);

public static ItemStack DAMASCUS_STEEL_JETBOOTS = new CustomArmor(new CustomItem(Material.LEATHER_BOOTS, "&6Jet Boots &7- &eV", 0, new String[] {"&7Material: &bDamascus Steel", "&7Charge: &b0.0 J", "&7Capacity: &b35.0 J", "&7Speed: &e0.55", "&7Accuracy: &e75%", "", "&7Hold &eShift&7 to use"}), Color.SILVER);

public static ItemStack REINFORCED_ALLOY_JETBOOTS = new CustomArmor(new CustomItem(Material.LEATHER_BOOTS, "&6Jet Boots &7- &eVI", 0, new String[] {"&7Material: &bReinforced Alloy", "&7Charge: &b0.0 J", "&7Capacity: &b45.0 J", "&7Speed: &e0.6", "&7Accuracy: &e80%", "", "&7Hold &eShift&7 to use"}), Color.SILVER);

public static ItemStack CARBONADO_JETBOOTS = new CustomArmor(new CustomItem(Material.LEATHER_BOOTS, "&6Jet Boots &7- &eVII", 0, new String[] {"&7Material: &bCarbonado", "&7Charge: &b0.0 J", "&7Capacity: &b75.0 J", "&7Speed: &e0.7", "&7Accuracy: &e99.9%", "", "&7Hold &eShift&7 to use"}), Color.BLACK);

public static ItemStack ARMORED_JETBOOTS = new CustomItem(Material.IRON_BOOTS, "&6Armored Jet Boots", 0, new String[] {"&7Material: &bSteel", "&7Charge: &b0.0 J", "&7Capacity: &b30.0 J", "&7Speed: &e0.45", "&7Accuracy: &e65%", "", "&7Hold &eShift&7 to use"});

/* Multi Tools */

public static ItemStack DURALUMIN_MULTI_TOOL = new CustomItem(Material.SHEARS, "&6Multi Tool &7- &eI", 0, new String[] {"&7Material: &bDuralumin", "&7Charge: &b0.0 J", "&7Capacity: &b15.0 J", "", "&7&eRight Click&7 to use", "&7Hold &eShift + Right Click&7 to change the Mode"});

public static ItemStack SOLDER_MULTI_TOOL = new CustomItem(Material.SHEARS, "&6Multi Tool &7- &eII", 0, new String[] {"&7Material: &bSolder", "&7Charge: &b0.0 J", "&7Capacity: &b20.0 J", "", "&7&eRight Click&7 to use", "&7Hold &eShift + Right Click&7 to change the Mode"});

public static ItemStack BILLON_MULTI_TOOL = new CustomItem(Material.SHEARS, "&6Multi Tool &7- &eIII", 0, new String[] {"&7Material: &bBillon", "&7Charge: &b0.0 J", "&7Capacity: &b25.0 J", "", "&7&eRight Click&7 to use", "&7Hold &eShift + Right Click&7 to change the Mode"});

public static ItemStack STEEL_MULTI_TOOL = new CustomItem(Material.SHEARS, "&6Multi Tool &7- &eIV", 0, new String[] {"&7Material: &bSteel", "&7Charge: &b0.0 J", "&7Capacity: &b30.0 J", "", "&7&eRight Click&7 to use", "&7Hold &eShift + Right Click&7 to change the Mode"});

public static ItemStack DAMASCUS_STEEL_MULTI_TOOL = new CustomItem(Material.SHEARS, "&6Multi Tool &7- &eV", 0, new String[] {"&7Material: &bDamascus Steel", "&7Charge: &b0.0 J", "&7Capacity: &b35.0 J", "", "&7&eRight Click&7 to use", "&7Hold &eShift + Right Click&7 to change the Mode"});

public static ItemStack REINFORCED_ALLOY_MULTI_TOOL = new CustomItem(Material.SHEARS, "&6Multi Tool &7- &eVI", 0, new String[] {"&7Material: &bReinforced Alloy", "&7Charge: &b0.0 J", "&7Capacity: &b40.0 J", "", "&7&eRight Click&7 to use", "&7Hold &eShift + Right Click&7 to change the Mode"});

public static ItemStack CARBONADO_MULTI_TOOL = new CustomItem(Material.SHEARS, "&6Multi Tool &7- &eVII", 0, new String[] {"&7Material: &bCarbonado", "&7Charge: &b0.0 J", "&7Capacity: &b60.0 J", "", "&7&eRight Click&7 to use", "&7Hold &eShift + Right Click&7 to change the Mode"});

/* Energy Cell */

public static ItemStack DURALUMIN_ENERGY_CELL = new CustomItem(Material.GLOWSTONE, "&6Energy Cell &7- &eI", 0, new String[] {"&7Material: &bDuralumin", "&7Charge: &b0.0 J", "&7Capacity: &b250.0 J"});

public static ItemStack SOLDER_ENERGY_CELL = new CustomItem(Material.GLOWSTONE, "&6Energy Cell &7- &eII", 0, new String[] {"&7Material: &bSolder", "&7Charge: &b0.0 J", "&7Capacity: &b350.0 J"});

public static ItemStack BILLON_ENERGY_CELL = new CustomItem(Material.GLOWSTONE, "&6Energy Cell &7- &eIII", 0, new String[] {"&7Material: &bBillon", "&7Charge: &b0.0 J", "&7Capacity: &b450.0 J"});

public static ItemStack STEEL_ENERGY_CELL = new CustomItem(Material.GLOWSTONE, "&6Energy Cell &7- &eIV", 0, new String[] {"&7Material: &bSteel", "&7Charge: &b0.0 J", "&7Capacity: &b550.0 J"});

public static ItemStack DAMASCUS_STEEL_ENERGY_CELL = new CustomItem(Material.GLOWSTONE, "&6Energy Cell &7- &eV", 0, new String[] {"&7Material: &bDamascus Steel", "&7Charge: &b0.0 J", "&7Capacity: &b650.0 J"});

public static ItemStack REINFORCED_ALLOY_ENERGY_CELL = new CustomItem(Material.GLOWSTONE, "&6Energy Cell &7- &eVI", 0, new String[] {"&7Material: &bReinforced Alloy", "&7Charge: &b0.0 J", "&7Capacity: &b750.0 J"});

public static ItemStack CARBONADO_ENERGY_CELL = new CustomItem(Material.GLOWSTONE, "&6Energy Cell &7- &eVII", 0, new String[] {"&7Material: &bCarbonado", "&7Charge: &b0.0 J", "&7Capacity: &b1000.0 J"});

/* Capacitors */

public static ItemStack DURALUMIN_CAPACITOR = new CustomItem(Material.REDSTONE_COMPARATOR, "&6Capacitor &7- &eI", 0, new String[] {"&7Material: &bDuralumin", "&7Charge: &b0.0 J", "&7Capacity: &b50.0 J", "", "&eRight Click&7 to recharge your Armor"});

public static ItemStack SOLDER_CAPACITOR = new CustomItem(Material.REDSTONE_COMPARATOR, "&6Capacitor &7- &eII", 0, new String[] {"&7Material: &bSolder", "&7Charge: &b0.0 J", "&7Capacity: &b75.0 J", "", "&eRight Click&7 to recharge your Armor"});

public static ItemStack BILLON_CAPACITOR = new CustomItem(Material.REDSTONE_COMPARATOR, "&6Capacitor &7- &eIII", 0, new String[] {"&7Material: &bBillon", "&7Charge: &b0.0 J", "&7Capacity: &b125.0 J", "", "&eRight Click&7 to recharge your Armor"});

public static ItemStack STEEL_CAPACITOR = new CustomItem(Material.REDSTONE_COMPARATOR, "&6Capacitor &7- &eIV", 0, new String[] {"&7Material: &bSteel", "&7Charge: &b0.0 J", "&7Capacity: &b200.0 J", "", "&eRight Click&7 to recharge your Armor"});

public static ItemStack DAMASCUS_STEEL_CAPACITOR = new CustomItem(Material.REDSTONE_COMPARATOR, "&6Capacitor &7- &eV", 0, new String[] {"&7Material: &bDamascus Steel", "&7Charge: &b0.0 J", "&7Capacity: &b250.0 J", "", "&eRight Click&7 to recharge your Armor"});

public static ItemStack REINFORCED_ALLOY_CAPACITOR = new CustomItem(Material.REDSTONE_COMPARATOR, "&6Capacitor &7- &eVI", 0, new String[] {"&7Material: &bReinforced Alloy", "&7Charge: &b0.0 J", "&7Capacity: &b400.0 J", "", "&eRight Click&7 to recharge your Armor"});

public static ItemStack CARBONADO_CAPACITOR = new CustomItem(Material.REDSTONE_COMPARATOR, "&6Capacitor &7- &eVII", 0, new String[] {"&7Material: &bCarbonado", "&7Charge: &b0.0 J", "&7Capacity: &b1000.0 J", "", "&eRight Click&7 to recharge your Armor"});

/* Food */

public static ItemStack FORTUNE_COOKIE = new CustomItem(Material.COOKIE, "&6Fortune Cookie", 0, new String[] {"", "&a&oTells you stuff about your Future :o"});

public static ItemStack BEEF_JERKY = new CustomItem(Material.COOKED_BEEF, "&6Beef Jerky", 0, new String[] {"", "&a&oSaturating"});

public static ItemStack MAGIC_SUGAR = new CustomItem(Material.SUGAR, "&6Magic Sugar", 0, new String[] {"", "&a&oFeel the Power of Hermes!"});

public static ItemStack MONSTER_JERKY = new CustomItem(Material.ROTTEN_FLESH, "&6Monster Jerky", 0, new String[] {"", "&a&oNo longer hungry"});

public static ItemStack GRILLED_CHEESE = new CustomItem(Material.BREAD, "&rGrilled Cheese", 0);

public static ItemStack BUTTERED_POTATO = new CustomItem(Material.BAKED_POTATO, "&rButtered Potato", 0);

public static ItemStack APPLE_JUICE = new CustomPotion("&cApple Juice", 8197, new String[0], new PotionEffect(PotionEffectType.SATURATION, 10, 0));

public static ItemStack MELON_JUICE = new CustomPotion("&cMelon Juice", 8197, new String[0], new PotionEffect(PotionEffectType.SATURATION, 10, 0));

public static ItemStack CARROT_JUICE = new CustomPotion("&6Carrot Juice", 8195, new String[0], new PotionEffect(PotionEffectType.SATURATION, 10, 0));

public static ItemStack PUMPKIN_JUICE = new CustomPotion("&6Pumpkin Juice", 8195, new String[0], new PotionEffect(PotionEffectType.SATURATION, 10, 0));

public static ItemStack GOLDE_APPLE_JUICE = new CustomPotion("&bGolden Apple Juice", 8195, new String[0], new PotionEffect(PotionEffectType.ABSORPTION, 20 * 20, 0));

/* Christmas */

public static ItemStack MILK = new CustomPotion("&6Glass of Milk", 8194, new String[0], new PotionEffect(PotionEffectType.SATURATION, 5, 0));

public static ItemStack CHOCOLATE_MILK = new CustomPotion("&6Chocolate Milk", 8201, new String[0], new PotionEffect(PotionEffectType.SATURATION, 12, 0));

public static ItemStack EGG_NOG = new CustomPotion("&aEgg Nog", 8194, new String[0], new PotionEffect(PotionEffectType.SATURATION, 7, 0));

public static ItemStack APPLE_CIDER = new CustomPotion("&cApple Cider", 8197, new String[0], new PotionEffect(PotionEffectType.SATURATION, 14, 0));

public static ItemStack CHRISTMAS_COOKIE = new CustomItem(Material.COOKIE, Christmas.color("Christmas Cookie"), 0);

public static ItemStack FRUIT_CAKE = new CustomItem(Material.PUMPKIN_PIE, Christmas.color("Fruit Cake"), 0);

public static ItemStack APPLE_PIE = new CustomItem(Material.PUMPKIN_PIE, "&rApple Pie", 0);

public static ItemStack HOT_CHOCOLATE = new CustomPotion("&6Hot Chocolate", 8201, new String[0], new PotionEffect(PotionEffectType.SATURATION, 14, 0));

public static ItemStack CHRISTMAS_CAKE = new CustomItem(Material.PUMPKIN_PIE, Christmas.color("Christmas Cake"), 0);

public static ItemStack CARAMEL = new CustomItem(Material.CLAY_BRICK, "&6Caramel", 0);

public static ItemStack CARAMEL_APPLE = new CustomItem(Material.APPLE, "&6Caramel Apple", 0);

public static ItemStack CHOCOLATE_APPLE = new CustomItem(Material.APPLE, "&6Chocolate Apple", 0);

public static ItemStack PRESENT = new CustomItem(Material.CHEST, Christmas.color("Christmas Present"), 0, new String[] {"&7From: &eMoewe1", "&7To: &eYou", "", "&eRight Click&7 to open"});

/* Easter */

public static ItemStack EASTER_EGG = new CustomItem(Material.EGG, "&rEaster Egg", 0, new String[] {"&bSurprise! Surprise!"});

public static ItemStack CARROT_PIE = new CustomItem(Material.PUMPKIN_PIE, "&6Carrot Pie", 0);

/* Weapons */

public static ItemStack GRANDMAS_WALKING_STICK = new CustomItem(Material.STICK, "&7Grandmas Walking Stick", 0, new String[0], new String[] {"KNOCKBACK-2"});

public static ItemStack GRANDPAS_WALKING_STICK = new CustomItem(Material.STICK, "&7Grandpas Walking Stick", 0, new String[0], new String[] {"KNOCKBACK-5"});

public static ItemStack SWORD_OF_BEHEADING = new CustomItem(Material.IRON_SWORD, "&6Sword of Beheading", 0, new String[] {"&7Beheading II", "", "&rHas a chance to behead Mobs", "&r(even a higher chance for Wither Skeletons)"});

public static ItemStack BLADE_OF_VAMPIRES = new CustomItem(Material.GOLD_SWORD, "&cBlade of Vampires", 0, new String[] {"&7Life Steal I", "", "&rEverytime you attack something", "&ryou have a 45% chance to", "&rrecover 2 Hearts of your Health"}, new String[] {"FIRE_ASPECT-2", "DURABILITY-4", "DAMAGE_ALL-2"});

public static ItemStack SEISMIC_AXE = new CustomItem(Material.IRON_AXE, "&aSeismic Axe", 0, new String[] {"", "&7&oA portable Earthquake...", "", "&7&eRight Click&7 to use"});

/* Bows */

public static ItemStack EXPLOSIVE_BOW = new CustomItem(Material.BOW, "&cExplosive Bow", 0, new String[] {"&rAny Arrows fired using this Bow", "&rwill launch hit enemys into the air"});

public static ItemStack ICY_BOW = new CustomItem(Material.BOW, "&bIcy Bow", 0, new String[] {"&rAny Arrows fired using this Bow", "&rwill prevent hit enemys from moving", "&rfor 2 seconds"});

/* Tools */

public static ItemStack AUTO_SMELT_PICKAXE = new CustomItem(Material.DIAMOND_PICKAXE, "&6Smelter's Pickaxe", 0, new String[] {"&c&lAuto-Smelting", "", "&9Works with Fortune"});

public static ItemStack LUMBER_AXE = new CustomItem(Material.DIAMOND_AXE, "&6Lumber Axe", 0, new String[] {"&a&oCuts down the whole Tree..."});

public static ItemStack PICKAXE_OF_CONTAINMENT = new CustomItem(Material.IRON_PICKAXE, "&cPickaxe of Containment", 0, new String[] {"", "&9Can pickup Spawners"});

public static ItemStack HERCULES_PICKAXE = new CustomItem(Material.IRON_PICKAXE, "&9Hercules' Pickaxe", 0, new String[] {"", "&rSo powerful that it", "&rcrushes all mined Ores", "&rinto Dust..."}, new String[] {"DURABILITY-2", "DIG_SPEED-4"});

public static ItemStack EXPLOSIVE_PICKAXE = new CustomItem(Material.DIAMOND_PICKAXE, "&eExplosive Pickaxe", 0, new String[] {"", "&rAllows you to mine a good bit", "&rof Blocks at once...", "", "&9Works with Fortune"});

public static ItemStack PICKAXE_OF_THE_SEEKER = new CustomItem(Material.DIAMOND_PICKAXE, "&aPickaxe of the Seeker", 0, new String[] {"&rWill always point you to the nearest Ore", "&rbut might get damaged when doing it", "", "&7&eRight Click&7 to be pointed to the nearest Ore"});

public static ItemStack AUTONOMOUS_PICKAXE = new CustomItem(Material.DIAMOND_PICKAXE, "&eAutonomous Pickaxe", 0, new String[] {"&rPlacing this Pickaxe into a Dispenser", "&rwill turn that Dispenser into a Block Breaker"});

public static ItemStack AUTONOMOUS_HOE = new CustomItem(Material.DIAMOND_HOE, "&eAutonomous Hoe", 0, new String[] {"&rPlacing this Hoe into a Dispenser", "&rwill turn that Dispenser into a Farmer"});

public static ItemStack AUTONOMOUS_FLINT_AND_STEEL = new CustomItem(Material.FLINT_AND_STEEL, "&eAutonomous Flint and Steel", 0, new String[] {"&rPlacing this Flint and Steel into a Dispenser", "&rwill turn that Dispenser into an automated Furnace"});

public static ItemStack COBALT_PICKAXE = new CustomItem(Material.IRON_PICKAXE, "&9Cobalt Pickaxe", 0, new String[] {}, new String[] {"DURABILITY-3", "DIG_SPEED-6"});

public static ItemStack PICKAXE_OF_VEIN_MINING = new CustomItem(Material.DIAMOND_PICKAXE, "&ePickaxe of Vein Mining", 0, new String[] {"", "&rThis Pickaxe will dig out", "&rwhole Veins of Ores..."});

/* Armor */

public static ItemStack GLOWSTONE_HELMET = new CustomArmor(new CustomItem(Material.LEATHER_HELMET, "&e&lGlowstone Helmet", 0, new String[] {"", "&a&oShining like the sun!", "", "&9+ Night Vision"}), Color.YELLOW);

public static ItemStack GLOWSTONE_CHESTPLATE = new CustomArmor(new CustomItem(Material.LEATHER_CHESTPLATE, "&e&lGlowstone Chestplate", 0, new String[] {"", "&a&oShining like the sun!", "", "&9+ Night Vision"}), Color.YELLOW);

public static ItemStack GLOWSTONE_LEGGINGS = new CustomArmor(new CustomItem(Material.LEATHER_LEGGINGS, "&e&lGlowstone Leggings", 0, new String[] {"", "&a&oShining like the sun!", "", "&9+ Night Vision"}), Color.YELLOW);

public static ItemStack GLOWSTONE_BOOTS = new CustomArmor(new CustomItem(Material.LEATHER_BOOTS, "&e&lGlowstone Boots", 0, new String[] {"", "&a&oShining like the sun!", "", "&9+ Night Vision"}), Color.YELLOW);

public static ItemStack ENDER_HELMET = new CustomArmor(new CustomItem(Material.LEATHER_HELMET, "&5&lEnder Helmet", 0, new String[] {"", "&a&oSometimes its here, sometimes there!"}), Color.fromRGB(28, 25, 112));

public static ItemStack ENDER_CHESTPLATE = new CustomArmor(new CustomItem(Material.LEATHER_CHESTPLATE, "&5&lEnder Chestplate", 0, new String[] {"", "&a&oSometimes its here, sometimes there!"}), Color.fromRGB(28, 25, 112));

public static ItemStack ENDER_LEGGINGS = new CustomArmor(new CustomItem(Material.LEATHER_LEGGINGS, "&5&lEnder Leggings", 0, new String[] {"", "&a&oSometimes its here, sometimes there!"}), Color.fromRGB(28, 25, 112));

public static ItemStack ENDER_BOOTS = new CustomArmor(new CustomItem(Material.LEATHER_BOOTS, "&5&lEnder Boots", 0, new String[] {"", "&a&oSometimes its here, sometimes there!", "" , "&9+ No Enderpearl Damage"}), Color.fromRGB(28, 25, 112));

public static ItemStack SLIME_HELMET = new CustomArmor(new CustomItem(Material.LEATHER_HELMET, "&a&lSlime Helmet", 0, new String[] {"", "&a&oBouncy Feeling"}), Color.LIME);

public static ItemStack SLIME_CHESTPLATE = new CustomArmor(new CustomItem(Material.LEATHER_CHESTPLATE, "&a&lSlime Chestplate", 0, new String[] {"", "&a&oBouncy Feeling"}), Color.LIME);

public static ItemStack SLIME_LEGGINGS = new CustomArmor(new CustomItem(Material.LEATHER_LEGGINGS, "&a&lSlime Leggings", 0, new String[] {"", "&a&oBouncy Feeling", "", "&9+ Speed"}), Color.LIME);

public static ItemStack SLIME_BOOTS = new CustomArmor(new CustomItem(Material.LEATHER_BOOTS, "&a&lSlime Boots", 0, new String[] {"", "&a&oBouncy Feeling", "", "&9+ Jump Boost", "&9+ No Fall Damage"}), Color.LIME);

public static ItemStack CACTUS_HELMET = new CustomArmor(new CustomItem(Material.LEATHER_HELMET, "&2Cactus Helmet", 0, new String[0], new String[] {"THORNS-3", "DURABILITY-5"}), Color.GREEN);

public static ItemStack CACTUS_CHESTPLATE = new CustomArmor(new CustomItem(Material.LEATHER_CHESTPLATE, "&2Cactus Chestplate", 0, new String[0], new String[] {"THORNS-3", "DURABILITY-5"}), Color.GREEN);

public static ItemStack CACTUS_LEGGINGS = new CustomArmor(new CustomItem(Material.LEATHER_LEGGINGS, "&2Cactus Leggings", 0, new String[0], new String[] {"THORNS-3", "DURABILITY-5"}), Color.GREEN);

public static ItemStack CACTUS_BOOTS = new CustomArmor(new CustomItem(Material.LEATHER_BOOTS, "&2Cactus Boots", 0, new String[0], new String[] {"THORNS-3", "DURABILITY-5"}), Color.GREEN);

public static ItemStack DAMASCUS_STEEL_HELMET = new CustomItem(Material.IRON_HELMET, "&7Damascus Steel Helmet", new String[] {"DURABILITY-4", "PROTECTION_ENVIRONMENTAL-4"}, 0);

public static ItemStack DAMASCUS_STEEL_CHESTPLATE = new CustomItem(Material.IRON_CHESTPLATE, "&7Damascus Steel Chestplate", new String[] {"DURABILITY-4", "PROTECTION_ENVIRONMENTAL-4"}, 0);

public static ItemStack DAMASCUS_STEEL_LEGGINGS = new CustomItem(Material.IRON_LEGGINGS, "&7Damascus Steel Leggings", new String[] {"DURABILITY-4", "PROTECTION_ENVIRONMENTAL-4"}, 0);

public static ItemStack DAMASCUS_STEEL_BOOTS = new CustomItem(Material.IRON_BOOTS, "&7Damascus Steel Boots", new String[] {"DURABILITY-4", "PROTECTION_ENVIRONMENTAL-4"}, 0);

public static ItemStack REINFORCED_ALLOY_HELMET = new CustomItem(Material.IRON_HELMET, "&bReinforced Helmet", new String[] {"DURABILITY-9", "PROTECTION_ENVIRONMENTAL-9"}, 0);

public static ItemStack REINFORCED_ALLOY_CHESTPLATE = new CustomItem(Material.IRON_CHESTPLATE, "&bReinforced Chestplate", new String[] {"DURABILITY-9", "PROTECTION_ENVIRONMENTAL-9"}, 0);

public static ItemStack REINFORCED_ALLOY_LEGGINGS = new CustomItem(Material.IRON_LEGGINGS, "&bReinforced Leggings", new String[] {"DURABILITY-9", "PROTECTION_ENVIRONMENTAL-9"}, 0);

public static ItemStack REINFORCED_ALLOY_BOOTS = new CustomItem(Material.IRON_BOOTS, "&bReinforced Boots", new String[] {"DURABILITY-9", "PROTECTION_ENVIRONMENTAL-9"}, 0);

public static ItemStack SCUBA_HELMET = new CustomArmor(new CustomItem(Material.LEATHER_HELMET, "&cScuba Helmet", 0, new String[] {"", "&bAllows you to breathe Underwater", "&4&oPart of Hazmat Suit"}), Color.ORANGE);

public static ItemStack HAZMATSUIT_CHESTPLATE = new CustomArmor(new CustomItem(Material.LEATHER_CHESTPLATE, "&cHazmat Suit", 0, new String[] {"", "&bAllows you to walk through Fire", "&4&oPart of Hazmat Suit"}), Color.ORANGE);

public static ItemStack HAZMATSUIT_LEGGINGS = new CustomArmor(new CustomItem(Material.LEATHER_LEGGINGS, "&cHazmat Suit Leggings", 0, new String[] {"", "&4&oPart of Hazmat Suit"}), Color.ORANGE);

public static ItemStack RUBBER_BOOTS = new CustomArmor(new CustomItem(Material.LEATHER_BOOTS, "&cRubber Boots", 0, new String[] {"", "&4&oPart of Hazmat Suit"}), Color.BLACK);

public static ItemStack GILDED_IRON_HELMET = new CustomItem(Material.GOLD_HELMET, "&6Gilded Iron Helmet", new String[] {"DURABILITY-6", "PROTECTION_ENVIRONMENTAL-8"}, 0);

public static ItemStack GILDED_IRON_CHESTPLATE = new CustomItem(Material.GOLD_CHESTPLATE, "&6Gilded Iron Chestplate", new String[] {"DURABILITY-6", "PROTECTION_ENVIRONMENTAL-8"}, 0);

public static ItemStack GILDED_IRON_LEGGINGS = new CustomItem(Material.GOLD_LEGGINGS, "&6Gilded Iron Leggings", new String[] {"DURABILITY-6", "PROTECTION_ENVIRONMENTAL-8"}, 0);

public static ItemStack GILDED_IRON_BOOTS = new CustomItem(Material.GOLD_BOOTS, "&6Gilded Iron Boots", new String[] {"DURABILITY-6", "PROTECTION_ENVIRONMENTAL-8"}, 0);

public static ItemStack GOLD_HELMET = new CustomItem(Material.GOLD_HELMET, "&6Gold Helmet", 0, new String[] {"&912-Carat"}, new String[] {"DURABILITY-10"});

public static ItemStack GOLD_CHESTPLATE = new CustomItem(Material.GOLD_CHESTPLATE, "&6Gold Chestplate", 0, new String[] {"&912-Carat"}, new String[] {"DURABILITY-10"});

public static ItemStack GOLD_LEGGINGS = new CustomItem(Material.GOLD_LEGGINGS, "&6Gold Leggings", 0, new String[] {"&912-Carat"}, new String[] {"DURABILITY-10"});

public static ItemStack GOLD_BOOTS = new CustomItem(Material.GOLD_BOOTS, "&6Gold Boots", 0, new String[] {"&912-Carat"}, new String[] {"DURABILITY-10"});

public static ItemStack SLIME_HELMET_STEEL = new CustomItem(Material.IRON_HELMET, "&a&lSlime Helmet", 0, new String[] {"&7&oReinforced", "", "&a&oBouncy Feeling"}, new String[] {"DURABILITY-4", "PROTECTION_ENVIRONMENTAL-2"});

public static ItemStack SLIME_CHESTPLATE_STEEL = new CustomItem(Material.IRON_CHESTPLATE, "&a&lSlime Chestplate", 0, new String[] {"&7&oReinforced", "", "&a&oBouncy Feeling"}, new String[] {"DURABILITY-4", "PROTECTION_ENVIRONMENTAL-2"});

public static ItemStack SLIME_LEGGINGS_STEEL = new CustomItem(Material.IRON_LEGGINGS, "&a&lSlime Leggings", 0, new String[] {"&7&oReinforced", "", "&a&oBouncy Feeling", "", "&9+ Speed"}, new String[] {"DURABILITY-4", "PROTECTION_ENVIRONMENTAL-2"});

public static ItemStack SLIME_BOOTS_STEEL = new CustomItem(Material.IRON_BOOTS, "&a&lSlime Boots", 0, new String[] {"&7&oReinforced", "", "&a&oBouncy Feeling", "", "&9+ Jump Boost", "&9+ No Fall Damage"}, new String[] {"DURABILITY-4", "PROTECTION_ENVIRONMENTAL-2"});

public static ItemStack BOOTS_OF_THE_STOMPER = new CustomArmor(new CustomItem(Material.LEATHER_BOOTS, "&bBoots of the Stomper", 0, new String[] {"", "&9All Fall Damage you receive", "&9will be applied to nearby Mobs/Players", "", "&9+ No Fall Damage"}), Color.AQUA);

public static ItemStack HEAVY_METAL_HELMET = new CustomItem(Material.IRON_HELMET, "&cHeavy Helmet", 0, new String[] {"", "&9+ Strength", "&9+ Slowness"}, new String[] {"DURABILITY-10", "PROTECTION_ENVIRONMENTAL-10"});

public static ItemStack HEAVY_METAL_CHESTPLATE = new CustomItem(Material.IRON_CHESTPLATE, "&cHeavy Chestplate", 0, new String[] {"", "&9+ Strength", "&9+ Slowness"}, new String[] {"DURABILITY-10", "PROTECTION_ENVIRONMENTAL-10"});

public static ItemStack HEAVY_METAL_LEGGINGS = new CustomItem(Material.IRON_LEGGINGS, "&cHeavy Leggings", 0, new String[] {"", "&9+ Strength", "&9+ Slowness"}, new String[] {"DURABILITY-10", "PROTECTION_ENVIRONMENTAL-10"});

public static ItemStack HEAVY_METAL_BOOTS = new CustomItem(Material.IRON_BOOTS, "&cHeavy Boots", 0, new String[] {"", "&9+ Strength", "&9+ Slowness"}, new String[] {"DURABILITY-10", "PROTECTION_ENVIRONMENTAL-10"});

/* Misc */

public static ItemStack MAGIC_LUMP_1 = new CustomItem(Material.GOLD_NUGGET, "&6Magical Lump &7- &eI", 0, new String[] {"", "&c&oTier: I"});

public static ItemStack MAGIC_LUMP_2 = new CustomItem(Material.GOLD_NUGGET, "&6Magical Lump &7- &eII", 0, new String[] {"", "&c&oTier: II"});

public static ItemStack MAGIC_LUMP_3 = new CustomItem(Material.GOLD_NUGGET, "&6Magical Lump &7- &eIII", 0, new String[] {"", "&c&oTier: III"});

public static ItemStack ENDER_LUMP_1 = new CustomItem(Material.GOLD_NUGGET, "&5Ender Lump &7- &eI", 0, new String[] {"", "&c&oTier: I"});

public static ItemStack ENDER_LUMP_2 = new CustomItem(Material.GOLD_NUGGET, "&5Ender Lump &7- &eII", 0, new String[] {"", "&c&oTier: II"});

public static ItemStack ENDER_LUMP_3 = new CustomItem(Material.GOLD_NUGGET, "&5Ender Lump &7- &eIII", 0, new String[] {"", "&c&oTier: III"});

public static ItemStack MAGICAL_BOOK_COVER = new CustomItem(Material.PAPER, "&6Magical Book Cover", 0, new String[] {"", "&a&oUsed for various Magic Books"});

public static ItemStack BASIC_CIRCUIT_BOARD = new CustomItem(Material.ACTIVATOR_RAIL, "&bBasic Circuit Board", 0);

public static ItemStack ADVANCED_CIRCUIT_BOARD = new CustomItem(Material.POWERED_RAIL, "&bAdvanced Circuit Board", 0);

public static ItemStack BATTERY = new CustomItem(Material.NETHER_BRICK_ITEM, "&aBattery &7- &eI", 0, new String[] {"&7Material: &bCopper &7+ &bZinc", "&7Charge: &b10.0 J"});

public static ItemStack BATTERY_2 = new CustomItem(Material.NETHER_BRICK_ITEM, "&aBattery &7- &eII", 0, new String[] {"&7Material: &bGold &7+ &bMagnesium", "&7Charge: &b25.0 J"});

public static ItemStack WHEAT_FLOUR = new CustomItem(Material.SUGAR, "&rWheat Flour", 0);

public static ItemStack STEEL_PLATE = new CustomItem(Material.PAPER, "&7&lSteel Plate", 0);

public static ItemStack COMPRESSED_CARBON = new CustomItem(Material.COAL, "&6Compressed Carbon", 0);

public static ItemStack CARBON_CHUNK = new CustomItem(Material.COAL, "&6Carbon Chunk", 0);

public static ItemStack STEEL_THRUSTER = new CustomItem(Material.BUCKET, "&7&lSteel Thruster", 0);

public static ItemStack POWER_CRYSTAL = new CustomItem(Material.DIAMOND, "&c&lPower Crystal", 0);

public static ItemStack CHAIN = new CustomItem(Material.STRING, "&bChain", 0);

public static ItemStack HOOK = new CustomItem(Material.FLINT, "&bHook", 0);

public static ItemStack SIFTED_ORE = new CustomItem(Material.SULPHUR, "&6Sifted Ore", 0);

public static ItemStack STONE_CHUNK = new CustomItem(Material.FLINT, "&6Stone Chunk", 0);

public static ItemStack LAVA_CRYSTAL = new CustomItem(Material.FIREBALL, "&cLava Crystal", 0);

public static ItemStack SALT = new CustomItem(Material.SUGAR, "&rSalt", 0);

public static ItemStack BUTTER = null;

public static ItemStack CHEESE = null;

public static ItemStack HEAVY_CREAM = new CustomItem(Material.SNOW_BALL, "&rHeavy Cream", 0);

public static ItemStack CRUSHED_ORE = new CustomItem(Material.SULPHUR, "&6Crushed Ore", 0);

public static ItemStack PULVERIZED_ORE = new CustomItem(Material.SULPHUR, "&6Pulverized Ore", 0);

public static ItemStack PURE_ORE_CLUSTER = new CustomItem(Material.SULPHUR, "&6Pure Ore Cluster", 0);

public static ItemStack TINY_URANIUM = null;

public static ItemStack SMALL_URANIUM = null;

public static ItemStack URANIUM_FUEL_CELL = new CustomItem(Material.NETHER_BRICK_ITEM, "&bFuel Cell &7- &eII", 0, new String[] {"&7Material: &2&lUranium", "&7Charge: &b200.0 J"});

public static ItemStack LAVA_FUEL_CELL = new CustomItem(Material.NETHER_BRICK_ITEM, "&bFuel Cell &7- &eI", 0, new String[] {"&7Material: &4Lava", "&7Charge: &b75.0 J"});

public static ItemStack MAGNET = new CustomItem(Material.IRON_INGOT, "&cMagnet" , 0);

public static ItemStack NECROTIC_SKULL = new CustomItem(Material.SKULL_ITEM, "&cNecrotic Skull", 1);

public static ItemStack ESSENCE_OF_AFTERLIFE = new CustomItem(Material.SULPHUR, "&4Essence of Afterlife", 0);

public static ItemStack ELECTRO_MAGNET = new CustomItem(Material.IRON_INGOT, "&cElectromagnet" , 0);

public static ItemStack HEATING_COIL = new CustomItem(Material.CLAY_BRICK, "&cHeating Coil" , 0);

public static ItemStack COOLING_UNIT = new CustomItem(Material.CLAY_BRICK, "&bCooling Unit" , 0);

public static ItemStack ELECTRIC_MOTOR = new CustomItem(Material.IRON_INGOT, "&cElectric Motor" , 0);

public static ItemStack SCROLL_OF_DIMENSIONAL_TELEPOSITION = new CustomItem(Material.PAPER, "&6Scroll of Dimensional Teleposition", 0, new String[] {"", "&cThis Scroll is capable of creating", "&ca temporary black Hole which pulls", "&cnearby Entities into itself and sends", "&cthem into another Dimension where", "&ceverything is turned around", "", "&rIn other words: Makes Entities turn by 180 Degrees"});

public static ItemStack TOME_OF_KNOWLEDGE_SHARING = new CustomItem(Material.BOOK, "&6Tome of Knowledge Sharing", 0, new String[] {"&7Owner: &bNone", "", "&eRight Click&7 to bind this Tome to yourself", "", "", "&eRight Click&7 to obtain all Researches by", "&7the previously assigned Owner"});

public static ItemStack HARDENED_GLASS = new CustomItem(Material.STAINED_GLASS, "&7Hardened Glass", 8, new String[] {"", "&rWithstands Explosions"});

public static ItemStack WITHER_PROOF_OBSIDIAN = new CustomItem(Material.OBSIDIAN, "&5Wither-Proof Obsidian", 0, new String[] {"", "&rWithstands Explosions", "&rWithstands Wither Bosses"});

public static ItemStack WITHER_PROOF_GLASS = new CustomItem(Material.STAINED_GLASS, "&5Wither-Proof Glass", 15, new String[] {"", "&rWithstands Explosions", "&rWithstands Wither Bosses"});

public static ItemStack REINFORCED_PLATE = new CustomItem(Material.PAPER, "&7Reinforced Plate", 0);

public static ItemStack ANCIENT_PEDESTAL = new CustomItem(Material.DISPENSER, "&dAncient Pedestal", 0, new String[] {"", "&5Part of the Ancient Altar"});

    public static ItemStack ANCIENT_ALTAR = new CustomItem(Material.ENCHANTMENT_TABLE, "&dAncient Altar", 0, new String[] {"", "&5Multi-Block Altar for", "&5magical Crafting Processes"});

public static ItemStack DUCT_TAPE = null;

    public static ItemStack RAINBOW_WOOL = new CustomItem(new MaterialData(Material.WOOL), "&5Rainbow Wool", "", "짠dCycles through all Colors of the Rainbow!");

    public static ItemStack RAINBOW_GLASS = new CustomItem(new MaterialData(Material.STAINED_GLASS), "&5Rainbow Glass", "", "짠dCycles through all Colors of the Rainbow!");

    public static ItemStack RAINBOW_CLAY = new CustomItem(new MaterialData(Material.STAINED_CLAY), "&5Rainbow Clay", "", "짠dCycles through all Colors of the Rainbow!");

    public static ItemStack RAINBOW_GLASS_PANE = new CustomItem(new MaterialData(Material.STAINED_GLASS_PANE), "&5Rainbow Glass Pane", "", "짠dCycles through all Colors of the Rainbow!");


    public static ItemStack RAINBOW_WOOL_XMAS = new CustomItem(new MaterialData(Material.WOOL), "&5Rainbow Wool &7(Christmas)", "", Christmas.color("< Christmas Edition >"));

    public static ItemStack RAINBOW_GLASS_XMAS = new CustomItem(new MaterialData(Material.STAINED_GLASS), "&5Rainbow Glass &7(Christmas)", "", Christmas.color("< Christmas Edition >"));

    public static ItemStack RAINBOW_CLAY_XMAS = new CustomItem(new MaterialData(Material.STAINED_CLAY), "&5Rainbow Clay &7(Christmas)", "", Christmas.color("< Christmas Edition >"));

    public static ItemStack RAINBOW_GLASS_PANE_XMAS = new CustomItem(new MaterialData(Material.STAINED_GLASS_PANE), "&5Rainbow Glass Pane &7(Christmas)", "", Christmas.color("< Christmas Edition >"));


    /* Ingots */

public static ItemStack COPPER_INGOT = new CustomItem(Material.CLAY_BRICK, "&bCopper Ingot", 0, new String[0]);

public static ItemStack TIN_INGOT = new CustomItem(Material.IRON_INGOT, "&bTin Ingot", 0, new String[0]);

public static ItemStack SILVER_INGOT = new CustomItem(Material.IRON_INGOT, "&bSilver Ingot", 0, new String[0]);

public static ItemStack ALUMINUM_INGOT = new CustomItem(Material.IRON_INGOT, "&bAluminum Ingot", 0, new String[0]);

public static ItemStack LEAD_INGOT = new CustomItem(Material.IRON_INGOT, "&bLead Ingot", 0, new String[0]);

public static ItemStack ZINC_INGOT = new CustomItem(Material.IRON_INGOT, "&bZinc Ingot", 0, new String[0]);

public static ItemStack MAGNESIUM_INGOT = new CustomItem(Material.IRON_INGOT, "&bMagnesium Ingot", 0, new String[0]);

/* Alloy (Carbon + Iron) */

public static ItemStack STEEL_INGOT = new CustomItem(Material.IRON_INGOT, "&bSteel Ingot", 0, new String[0]);

/* Alloy (Copper + Tin) */

public static ItemStack BRONZE_INGOT = new CustomItem(Material.CLAY_BRICK, "&bBronze Ingot", 0, new String[0]);

/* Alloy (Copper + Aluminum) */

public static ItemStack DURALUMIN_INGOT = new CustomItem(Material.IRON_INGOT, "&bDuralumin Ingot", 0, new String[0]);

/* Alloy (Copper + Silver) */

public static ItemStack BILLON_INGOT = new CustomItem(Material.IRON_INGOT, "&bBillon Ingot", 0, new String[0]);

/* Alloy (Copper + Zinc) */

public static ItemStack BRASS_INGOT = new CustomItem(Material.GOLD_INGOT, "&bBrass Ingot", 0, new String[0]);

/* Alloy (Aluminum + Brass) */

public static ItemStack ALUMINUM_BRASS_INGOT = new CustomItem(Material.GOLD_INGOT, "&bAluminum Brass Ingot", 0, new String[0]);

/* Alloy (Aluminum + Bronze) */

public static ItemStack ALUMINUM_BRONZE_INGOT = new CustomItem(Material.GOLD_INGOT, "&bAluminum Bronze Ingot", 0, new String[0]);

/* Alloy (Gold + Silver + Copper) */

public static ItemStack CORINTHIAN_BRONZE_INGOT = new CustomItem(Material.GOLD_INGOT, "&bCorinthian Bronze Ingot", 0, new String[0]);

/* Alloy (Lead + Tin) */

public static ItemStack SOLDER_INGOT = new CustomItem(Material.IRON_INGOT, "&bSolder Ingot", 0, new String[0]);

/* Alloy (Steel + Iron + Carbon) */

public static ItemStack DAMASCUS_STEEL_INGOT = new CustomItem(Material.IRON_INGOT, "&bDamascus Steel Ingot", 0, new String[0]);

/* Alloy (Damascus Steel + Duralumin + Compressed Carbon + Aluminium Bronze) */

public static ItemStack HARDENED_METAL_INGOT = new CustomItem(Material.IRON_INGOT, "&b&lHardened Metal", 0);

/* Alloy (Hardened Metal + Corinthian Bronze + Solder + Billon + Damascus Steel) */

public static ItemStack REINFORCED_ALLOY_INGOT = new CustomItem(Material.IRON_INGOT, "&b&lReinforced Alloy Ingot", 0);

/* Alloy (Iron + Silicon) */

public static ItemStack FERROSILICON = new CustomItem(Material.IRON_INGOT, "&bFerrosilicon" , 0);

/* Alloy (Iron + Gold) */

public static ItemStack GILDED_IRON = new CustomItem(Material.GOLD_INGOT, "&6&lGilded Iron", 0);

/* Alloy (Redston + Ferrosilicon) */

public static ItemStack REDSTONE_ALLOY = new CustomItem(Material.CLAY_BRICK, "&cRedstone Alloy Ingot", 0);

/* Alloy (Iron + Copper) */

public static ItemStack NICKEL_INGOT = new CustomItem(Material.IRON_INGOT, "&bNickel Ingot" , 0);

/* Alloy (Nickel + Iron + Copper) */

public static ItemStack COBALT_INGOT = new CustomItem(Material.IRON_INGOT, "&9Cobalt Ingot" , 0);

/* Gold */

public static ItemStack GOLD_4K = new CustomItem(Material.GOLD_INGOT, "&rGold Ingot &7(4-Carat)", 0);

public static ItemStack GOLD_6K = new CustomItem(Material.GOLD_INGOT, "&rGold Ingot &7(6-Carat)", 0);

public static ItemStack GOLD_8K = new CustomItem(Material.GOLD_INGOT, "&rGold Ingot &7(8-Carat)", 0);

public static ItemStack GOLD_10K = new CustomItem(Material.GOLD_INGOT, "&rGold Ingot &7(10-Carat)", 0);

public static ItemStack GOLD_12K = new CustomItem(Material.GOLD_INGOT, "&rGold Ingot &7(12-Carat)", 0);

public static ItemStack GOLD_14K = new CustomItem(Material.GOLD_INGOT, "&rGold Ingot &7(14-Carat)", 0);

public static ItemStack GOLD_16K = new CustomItem(Material.GOLD_INGOT, "&rGold Ingot &7(16-Carat)", 0);

public static ItemStack GOLD_18K = new CustomItem(Material.GOLD_INGOT, "&rGold Ingot &7(18-Carat)", 0);

public static ItemStack GOLD_20K = new CustomItem(Material.GOLD_INGOT, "&rGold Ingot &7(20-Carat)", 0);

public static ItemStack GOLD_22K = new CustomItem(Material.GOLD_INGOT, "&rGold Ingot &7(22-Carat)", 0);

public static ItemStack GOLD_24K = new CustomItem(Material.GOLD_INGOT, "&rGold Ingot &7(24-Carat)", 0);

/* Dusts */

public static ItemStack IRON_DUST = new CustomItem(Material.SULPHUR, "&6Iron Dust", 0);

public static ItemStack GOLD_DUST = new CustomItem(Material.GLOWSTONE_DUST, "&6Gold Dust", 0);

public static ItemStack TIN_DUST = new CustomItem(Material.SUGAR, "&6Tin Dust", 0);

public static ItemStack COPPER_DUST = new CustomItem(Material.GLOWSTONE_DUST, "&6Copper Dust", 0);

public static ItemStack SILVER_DUST = new CustomItem(Material.SUGAR, "&6Silver Dust", 0);

public static ItemStack ALUMINUM_DUST = new CustomItem(Material.SUGAR, "&6Aluminum Dust", 0);

public static ItemStack LEAD_DUST = new CustomItem(Material.SULPHUR, "&6Lead Dust", 0);

public static ItemStack SULFATE = new CustomItem(Material.GLOWSTONE_DUST, "&6Sulfate", 0);

public static ItemStack ZINC_DUST = new CustomItem(Material.SUGAR, "&6Zinc Dust", 0);

public static ItemStack MAGNESIUM_DUST = new CustomItem(Material.SUGAR, "&6Magnesium", 0);

public static ItemStack CARBON = new CustomItem(Material.COAL, "&6Carbon", 0);

public static ItemStack SILICON = new CustomItem(Material.FIREWORK_CHARGE, "&6Silicon", 0);

public static ItemStack QUARTZ = new CustomItem(Material.QUARTZ, "&bQuartz", 0);

public static ItemStack REDSTONE = new CustomItem(Material.REDSTONE, "&cRedstone Dust", 0);

public static ItemStack GOLD_24K_BLOCK = new CustomItem(Material.GOLD_BLOCK, "&rGold Block &7(24-Carat)", 0);

/* Gems */

public static ItemStack SYNTHETIC_DIAMOND = new CustomItem(Material.DIAMOND, "&bSynthetic Diamond", 0);


public static ItemStack SYNTHETIC_SAPPHIRE = new CustomItem(new MaterialData(Material.INK_SACK, (byte) 4), "&bSynthetic Sapphire");

public static ItemStack SYNTHETIC_EMERALD = new CustomItem(Material.EMERALD, "&bSynthetic Emerald", 0);

public static ItemStack CARBONADO = new CustomItem(Material.COAL, "&b&lCarbonado", 0, new String[] {"", "&7&o\"Black Diamond\""});

public static ItemStack RAW_CARBONADO = new CustomItem(Material.COAL, "&bRaw Carbonado", 0);

public static ItemStack URANIUM = null;

/* Talisman */

public static ItemStack TALISMAN = new CustomItem(Material.EMERALD, "&6Common Talisman", 0);

public static ItemStack TALISMAN_ANVIL = new CustomItem(Material.EMERALD, "&aTalisman of the Anvil", 0, new String[] {"", "&rEach Talisman can prevent", "&r1 Tool from breaking, but will then", "&rbe consumed", "", "&4&lWARNING:", "&4This Talisman does not work on", "&4Tools which are too powerful", "&4due to their complexity"});

public static ItemStack TALISMAN_MINER = new CustomItem(Material.EMERALD, "&aTalisman of the Miner", 0, new String[] {"", "&rWhile you have this Talisman", "&rin your Inventory it has", "&ra 20% chance of doubling", "&rall Ores you mine"});

public static ItemStack TALISMAN_HUNTER = new CustomItem(Material.EMERALD, "&aTalisman of the Hunter", 0, new String[] {"", "&rWhile you have this Talisman", "&rin your Inventory it has", "&ra 20% chance of doubling", "&rall Drops from Mobs you kill"});

public static ItemStack TALISMAN_LAVA = new CustomItem(Material.EMERALD, "&aTalisman of the Lava Walker", 0, new String[] {"", "&rWhile you have this Talisman", "&rin your Inventory it will", "&rgive you Fire Resistance", "&ras soon as you touch Lava", "&rbut will then be consumed"});

public static ItemStack TALISMAN_WATER = new CustomItem(Material.EMERALD, "&aTalisman of the Water Breather", 0, new String[] {"", "&rWhile you have this Talisman", "&rin your Inventory it will", "&rgive you the ability", "&rto breath underwater as", "&rsoon as you start drowning", "&rbut will then be consumed"});

public static ItemStack TALISMAN_ANGEL = new CustomItem(Material.EMERALD, "&aTalisman of the Angel", 0, new String[] {"", "&rWhile you have this Talisman", "&rin your Inventory it has a", "&r75% chance to prevent you", "&rfrom taking Fall Damage"});

public static ItemStack TALISMAN_FIRE = new CustomItem(Material.EMERALD, "&aTalisman of the Firefighter", 0, new String[] {"", "&rWhile you have this Talisman", "&rin your Inventory it will", "&rgive you Fire Resistance", "&ras soon as you start burning", "&rbut will then be consumed"});

public static ItemStack TALISMAN_MAGICIAN = new CustomItem(Material.EMERALD, "&aTalisman of the Magician", 0, new String[] {"", "&rWhile you have this Talisman", "&rin your Inventory it gives", "&ryou a 80% Luck Bonus on Enchanting", "&rYou will sometimes get an Extra Enchantment"});

public static ItemStack TALISMAN_TRAVELLER = new CustomItem(Material.EMERALD, "&aTalisman of the Traveller", 0, new String[] {"", "&rWhile you have this Talisman", "&rin your Inventory it gives", "&ryou a 60% Chance for a decent", "&rSpeed Buff when you start sprinting"});

public static ItemStack TALISMAN_WARRIOR = new CustomItem(Material.EMERALD, "&aTalisman of the Warrior", 0, new String[] {"", "&rWhile you have this Talisman", "&rin your Inventory it gives", "&ryou Strength III whenever you get hit", "&rbut will then be consumed"});

public static ItemStack TALISMAN_KNIGHT = new CustomItem(Material.EMERALD, "&aTalisman of the Knight", 0, new String[] {"", "&rWhile you have this Talisman", "&rin your Inventory it gives", "&ryou a 30% Chance for 5 Seconds of Regeneration", "&rwhenever You get hit", "&rbut will then be consumed"});

public static ItemStack TALISMAN_WHIRLWIND = new CustomItem(Material.EMERALD, "&aTalisman of the Whirlwind", 0, new String[] {"", "&rWhile you have this Talisman", "&rin your Inventory it will reflect", "&r60% of all Projectiles fired at you"});

public static ItemStack TALISMAN_WIZARD = new CustomItem(Material.EMERALD, "&aTalisman of the Wizard", 0, new String[] {"", "&rWhile you have this Talisman", "&rin your Inventory it allows you to", "&robtain Fortune Level 4/5 however", "&rit also has a chance to lower the", "&rLevel of some Enchantments on your Item"});

/* Staves */

public static ItemStack STAFF_ELEMENTAL = new CustomItem(Material.STICK, "&6Elemental Staff", 0);

public static ItemStack STAFF_WIND = new CustomItem(Material.STICK, "&6Elemental Staff &7- &b&oWind", 0, new String[] {"", "&7Element: &b&oWind", "", "&7&eRight Click&7 to launch yourself forward"}, new String[] {"LUCK-1"});

public static ItemStack STAFF_FIRE = new CustomItem(Material.STICK, "&6Elemental Staff &7- &c&oFire", 0, new String[] {"", "&7Element: &c&oFire"}, new String[] {"FIRE_ASPECT-5"});

public static ItemStack STAFF_WATER = new CustomItem(Material.STICK, "&6Elemental Staff &7- &1&oWater", 0, new String[] {"", "&7Element: &1&oWater", "", "&7&eRight Click&7 to extinguish yourself"}, new String[] {"WATER_WORKER-1"});

/* Machines */

public static ItemStack GRIND_STONE = new CustomItem(Material.DISPENSER, "&bGrind Stone", 0, new String[] {"", "&a&oGrinds Items for more Efficiency"});

public static ItemStack ARMOR_FORGE = new CustomItem(Material.ANVIL, "&6Armor Forge", 0, new String[] {"", "&a&oGives you the Ability to create powerful Armor"});

public static ItemStack SMELTERY = new CustomItem(Material.FURNACE, "&6Smeltery", 0, new String[] {"", "&a&oActs as a high-temperature Furnace for Metals"});

public static ItemStack ORE_CRUSHER = new CustomItem(Material.DISPENSER, "&bOre Crusher", 0, new String[] {"", "&a&oCrushes Ores to double them"});

public static ItemStack COMPRESSOR = new CustomItem(Material.PISTON_BASE, "&bCompressor", 0, new String[] {"", "&a&oCompresses Items"});

public static ItemStack PRESSURE_CHAMBER = new CustomItem(Material.GLASS, "&bPressure Chamber", 0, new String[] {"", "&a&oCompresses Items even more"});

public static ItemStack MAGIC_WORKBENCH = new CustomItem(Material.WORKBENCH, "&6Magic Workbench", 0, new String[] {"Infuses Items with magical Energy"});

public static ItemStack ORE_WASHER = new CustomItem(Material.CAULDRON_ITEM, "&6Ore Washer", 0, new String[] {"", "&a&oWashes Sifted Ore to filter Ores", "&a&oand gives you small Stone Chunks"});

public static ItemStack SAW_MILL = new CustomItem(Material.IRON_FENCE, "&6Saw Mill", 0, new String[] {"", "&a&oAllows you to get 8 planks from 1 Log"});

public static ItemStack COMPOSTER = new CustomItem(Material.CAULDRON_ITEM, "&aComposter", 0, new String[] {"", "&a&oCan convert various Materials over Time..."});

public static ItemStack ENHANCED_CRAFTING_TABLE = new CustomItem(Material.WORKBENCH, "&eEnhanced Crafting Table", 0, new String[] {"", "&a&oA regular Crafting Table cannot", "&a&ohold this massive Amount of Power..."});

public static ItemStack CRUCIBLE = new CustomItem(Material.CAULDRON_ITEM, "&cCrucible", 0, new String[] {"", "&a&oUsed to smelt Items into Liquids"});

public static ItemStack JUICER = new CustomItem(Material.GLASS_BOTTLE, "&aJuicer", 0, new String[] {"", "&a&oAllows you to create delicious Juice"});

public static ItemStack CHARGING_STATION = new CustomItem(Material.FURNACE, "&7Charging Station", 0, new String[] {"", "&a&oCharges Items"});

public static ItemStack SOLAR_PANEL = new CustomItem(Material.DAYLIGHT_DETECTOR, "&bSolar Panel", 0, new String[] {"", "&a&oTransforms Sunlight to Energy"});

public static ItemStack SOLAR_ARRAY = new CustomItem(Material.DAYLIGHT_DETECTOR, "&bSolar Array", 0, new String[] {"", "&a&oTransforms Sunlight to Energy"});

public static ItemStack DIGITAL_MINER = new CustomItem(Material.IRON_PICKAXE, "&bDigital Miner", 0, new String[] {"", "&a&oDigs out everything!"});

public static ItemStack ADVANCED_DIGITAL_MINER = new CustomItem(Material.DIAMOND_PICKAXE, "&6Advanced Digital Miner", 0, new String[] {"", "&a&oDigs out everything!", "&a&oAutomatically crushes your Ores"});

public static ItemStack AUTOMATED_PANNING_MACHINE = new CustomItem(Material.BOWL, "&aAutomated Panning Machine", 0, new String[] {"", "&a&oA MultiBlock Version of the Gold Pan"});


public static ItemStack HOLOGRAM_PROJECTOR = new CustomItem(new MaterialData(Material.STEP, (byte) 7), "&bHologram Projector", "", "짠rProjects an Editable Hologram");

/* Enhanced Furnaces */

public static ItemStack ENHANCED_FURNACE = new CustomItem(Material.FURNACE, "&7Enhanced Furnace - &eI", 0, new String[] {"", "&7Processing Speed: &e1x", "&7Fuel Efficiency: &e1x", "&7Luck Multiplier: &e1x"});

public static ItemStack ENHANCED_FURNACE_2 = new CustomItem(Material.FURNACE, "&7Enhanced Furnace - &eII", 0, new String[] {"", "&7Processing Speed: &e2x", "&7Fuel Efficiency: &e1x", "&7Luck Multiplier: &e1x"});

public static ItemStack ENHANCED_FURNACE_3 = new CustomItem(Material.FURNACE, "&7Enhanced Furnace - &eIII", 0, new String[] {"", "&7Processing Speed: &e2x", "&7Fuel Efficiency: &e2x", "&7Luck Multiplier: &e1x"});

public static ItemStack ENHANCED_FURNACE_4 = new CustomItem(Material.FURNACE, "&7Enhanced Furnace - &eIV", 0, new String[] {"", "&7Processing Speed: &e3x", "&7Fuel Efficiency: &e2x", "&7Luck Multiplier: &e1x"});

public static ItemStack ENHANCED_FURNACE_5 = new CustomItem(Material.FURNACE, "&7Enhanced Furnace - &eV", 0, new String[] {"", "&7Processing Speed: &e3x", "&7Fuel Efficiency: &e2x", "&7Luck Multiplier: &e2x"});

public static ItemStack ENHANCED_FURNACE_6 = new CustomItem(Material.FURNACE, "&7Enhanced Furnace - &eVI", 0, new String[] {"", "&7Processing Speed: &e3x", "&7Fuel Efficiency: &e3x", "&7Luck Multiplier: &e2x"});

public static ItemStack ENHANCED_FURNACE_7 = new CustomItem(Material.FURNACE, "&7Enhanced Furnace - &eVII", 0, new String[] {"", "&7Processing Speed: &e4x", "&7Fuel Efficiency: &e3x", "&7Luck Multiplier: &e2x"});

public static ItemStack ENHANCED_FURNACE_8 = new CustomItem(Material.FURNACE, "&7Enhanced Furnace - &eVIII", 0, new String[] {"", "&7Processing Speed: &e4x", "&7Fuel Efficiency: &e4x", "&7Luck Multiplier: &e2x"});

public static ItemStack ENHANCED_FURNACE_9 = new CustomItem(Material.FURNACE, "&7Enhanced Furnace - &eIX", 0, new String[] {"", "&7Processing Speed: &e5x", "&7Fuel Efficiency: &e4x", "&7Luck Multiplier: &e2x"});

public static ItemStack ENHANCED_FURNACE_10 = new CustomItem(Material.FURNACE, "&7Enhanced Furnace - &eX", 0, new String[] {"", "&7Processing Speed: &e5x", "&7Fuel Efficiency: &e5x", "&7Luck Multiplier: &e2x"});

public static ItemStack ENHANCED_FURNACE_11 = new CustomItem(Material.FURNACE, "&7Enhanced Furnace - &eXI", 0, new String[] {"", "&7Processing Speed: &e5x", "&7Fuel Efficiency: &e5x", "&7Luck Multiplier: &e3x"});

public static ItemStack REINFORCED_FURNACE = new CustomItem(Material.FURNACE, "&7Reinforced Furnace", 0, new String[] {"", "&7Processing Speed: &e10x", "&7Fuel Efficiency: &e10x", "&7Luck Multiplier: &e3x"});

public static ItemStack CARBONADO_EDGED_FURNACE = new CustomItem(Material.FURNACE, "&7Carbonado Edged Furnace", 0, new String[] {"", "&7Processing Speed: &e20x", "&7Fuel Efficiency: &e10x", "&7Luck Multiplier: &e3x"});

public static ItemStack BLOCK_PLACER = new CustomItem(Material.DISPENSER, "&aBlock Placer", 0, new String[] {"", "&rAll Blocks in this Dispenser", "&rwill automatically get placed"});

public static ItemStack AUTONOMOUS_WASHER = new CustomItem(Material.DISPENSER, "&bAutonomous Washer", 0, new String[] {"", "&rAll Cobblestone placed this Dispenser", "&rwill automatically get turned into Gravel", "&rIt will also turn Sifted Ore into Dust"});

public static ItemStack AUTONOMOUS_PANNING_MACHINE = new CustomItem(Material.DISPENSER, "&6Autonomous Panning Machine", 0, new String[] {"", "&rAll Gravel placed this Dispenser", "&rwill automatically get panned"});

public static ItemStack AUTONOMOUS_SMELTER = new CustomItem(Material.DISPENSER, "&cAutonomous Smelter", 0, new String[] {"", "&rA small electric Smeltery which", "&ris capable of smelting Dust"});

/* Soulbound Items */

public static ItemStack SOULBOUND_SWORD = new CustomItem(Material.DIAMOND_SWORD, "&cSoulbound Sword", 0);

public static ItemStack SOULBOUND_BOW = new CustomItem(Material.BOW, "&cSoulbound Bow", 0);

public static ItemStack SOULBOUND_PICKAXE = new CustomItem(Material.DIAMOND_PICKAXE, "&cSoulbound Pickaxe", 0);

public static ItemStack SOULBOUND_AXE = new CustomItem(Material.DIAMOND_AXE, "&cSoulbound Axe", 0);

public static ItemStack SOULBOUND_SHOVEL = new CustomItem(Material.DIAMOND_SPADE, "&cSoulbound Shovel", 0);

public static ItemStack SOULBOUND_HOE = new CustomItem(Material.DIAMOND_HOE, "&cSoulbound Hoe", 0);

public static ItemStack SOULBOUND_HELMET = new CustomItem(Material.DIAMOND_HELMET, "&cSoulbound Helmet", 0);

public static ItemStack SOULBOUND_CHESTPLATE = new CustomItem(Material.DIAMOND_CHESTPLATE, "&cSoulbound Chestplate", 0);

public static ItemStack SOULBOUND_LEGGINGS = new CustomItem(Material.DIAMOND_LEGGINGS, "&cSoulbound Leggings", 0);

public static ItemStack SOULBOUND_BOOTS = new CustomItem(Material.DIAMOND_BOOTS, "&cSoulbound Boots", 0);

/* Runes */

public static ItemStack BLANK_RUNE = null;

public static ItemStack RUNE_AIR = null;

public static ItemStack RUNE_WATER = null;

public static ItemStack RUNE_FIRE = null;

public static ItemStack RUNE_EARTH = null;

public static ItemStack RUNE_ENDER = null;

public static ItemStack RUNE_RAINBOW = null;

static {

ItemStack itemB = new ItemStack(Material.FIREWORK_CHARGE);

FireworkEffectMeta imB = (FireworkEffectMeta) itemB.getItemMeta();


imB.setDisplayName("짠8Blank Rune");



ItemStack itemA = new ItemStack(Material.FIREWORK_CHARGE);

FireworkEffectMeta imA = (FireworkEffectMeta) itemA.getItemMeta();


imA.setDisplayName("짠7Ancient Rune 짠8짠l[짠b짠lAir짠8짠l]");


RUNE_AIR = itemA;

ItemStack itemW = new ItemStack(Material.FIREWORK_CHARGE);

FireworkEffectMeta imW = (FireworkEffectMeta) itemW.getItemMeta();


imW.setDisplayName("짠7Ancient Rune 짠8짠l[짠1짠lWater짠8짠l]");



ItemStack itemF = new ItemStack(Material.FIREWORK_CHARGE);

FireworkEffectMeta imF = (FireworkEffectMeta) itemF.getItemMeta();


imF.setDisplayName("짠7Ancient Rune 짠8짠l[짠4짠lFire짠8짠l]");


RUNE_FIRE = itemF;

ItemStack itemE = new ItemStack(Material.FIREWORK_CHARGE);

FireworkEffectMeta imE = (FireworkEffectMeta) itemE.getItemMeta();


imE.setDisplayName("짠7Ancient Rune 짠8짠l[짠c짠lEarth짠8짠l]");



ItemStack itemN = new ItemStack(Material.FIREWORK_CHARGE);

FireworkEffectMeta imN = (FireworkEffectMeta) itemN.getItemMeta();


imN.setDisplayName("짠7Ancient Rune 짠8짠l[짠5짠lEnder짠8짠l]");



ItemStack itemR = new ItemStack(Material.FIREWORK_CHARGE);

FireworkEffectMeta imR = (FireworkEffectMeta) itemR.getItemMeta();


imR.setDisplayName("짠7Ancient Rune 짠8짠l[짠d짠lRainbow짠8짠l]");




/* Electricity */

public static ItemStack SOLAR_GENERATOR = new CustomItem(new ItemStack(Material.DAYLIGHT_DETECTOR), "&bSolar Generator", "", "짠eBasic Generator", "짠8\u21E8 짠e\u26A1 짠70 J Buffer", "짠8\u21E8 짠e\u26A1 짠74 J/s");

public static ItemStack COAL_GENERATOR = new CustomItem(new ItemStack(Material.FURNACE), "&cCoal Generator", "", "짠6Average Generator", "짠8\u21E8 짠e\u26A1 짠764 J Buffer", "짠8\u21E8 짠e\u26A1 짠716 J/s");

public static ItemStack ELECTRIC_FURNACE = new CustomItem(new ItemStack(Material.FURNACE), "&cElectric Furnace", "", "짠eBasic Machine", "짠8\u21E8 짠7Speed: 1x", "짠8\u21E8 짠e\u26A1 짠74 J/s");

public static ItemStack AUTO_ENCHANTER = new CustomItem(new ItemStack(Material.ENCHANTMENT_TABLE), "&5Auto Enchanter", "", "짠aMedium Machine", "짠8\u21E8 짠7Speed: 1x", "짠8\u21E8 짠e\u26A1 짠718 J/s");

public static ItemStack AUTO_DISENCHANTER = new CustomItem(new ItemStack(Material.ENCHANTMENT_TABLE), "&5Auto Disenchanter", "", "짠aMedium Machine", "짠8\u21E8 짠7Speed: 1x", "짠8\u21E8 짠e\u26A1 짠718 J/s");

public static ItemStack AUTO_ANVIL = new CustomItem(new ItemStack(Material.IRON_BLOCK), "&7Auto Anvil", "", "짠6Advanced Machine", "짠8\u21E8 짠7Repair Factor: 10%", "짠8\u21E8 짠e\u26A1 짠724 J/s");

public static ItemStack AUTO_ANVIL_2 = new CustomItem(new ItemStack(Material.IRON_BLOCK), "&7Auto Anvil Mk.II", "", "짠4End-Game Machine", "짠8\u21E8 짠7Repair Factor: 25%", "짠8\u21E8 짠e\u26A1 짠732 J/s");


public static ItemStack BIO_REACTOR = new CustomItem(new MaterialData(Material.STAINED_CLAY, (byte) 5), "&2Bio Reactor", "", "짠6Average Generator", "짠8\u21E8 짠e\u26A1 짠7128 J Buffer", "짠8\u21E8 짠e\u26A1 짠78 J/s");

public static ItemStack MULTIMETER = new CustomItem(new MaterialData(Material.WATCH), "&eMultimeter", "", "짠rMeasures the Amount of stored", "짠rEnergy in a Block");


/* Robots */

public static ItemStack PROGRAMMABLE_ANDROID = null;

public static ItemStack PROGRAMMABLE_ANDROID_MINER = null;

public static ItemStack PROGRAMMABLE_ANDROID_BUTCHER = null;

public static ItemStack PROGRAMMABLE_ANDROID_FARMER = null;

public static ItemStack PROGRAMMABLE_ANDROID_WOODCUTTER = null;

/* GPS */

public static ItemStack GPS_TRANSMITTER = null;

public static ItemStack GPS_CONTROL_PANEL = null;

public static ItemStack GPS_MARKER_TOOL = new CustomItem(new MaterialData(Material.REDSTONE_TORCH_ON), "짠bGPS Marker Tool", "", "짠rAllows you to set a Waypoint at", "짠the Location you place this");

public static ItemStack GPS_EMERGENCY_TRANSMITTER = null;

public static ItemStack GPS_GEO_SCANNER = null;

public static ItemStack ANDROID_INTERFACE_FUEL = new CustomItem(new ItemStack(Material.DISPENSER), "&7Android Interface 짠c(Fuel)", "", "짠rItems stored in this Interface", "짠rwill be inserted into an Android's Fuel Slot", "짠rwhen its Script tells them to do so");

public static ItemStack ANDROID_INTERFACE_ITEMS = new CustomItem(new ItemStack(Material.DISPENSER), "&7Android Interface 짠9(Items)", "", "짠rItems stored in an Android's Inventory", "짠rwill be inserted into this Interface", "짠rwhen its Script tells them to do so");

public static ItemStack BUCKET_OF_OIL = null;

public static ItemStack BUCKET_OF_FUEL = null;

public static ItemStack OIL_PUMP = null;

static {

try {

SMALL_CAPACITOR = new CustomItem(CustomSkull.getItem("eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvOTEzNjFlNTc2YjQ5M2NiZmRmYWUzMjg2NjFjZWRkMWFkZDU1ZmFiNGU1ZWI0MThiOTJjZWJmNjI3NWY4YmI0In19fQ=="), "&aSmall Energy Capacitor", "", "짠eBasic Capacitor", "짠8\u21E8 짠e\u26A1 짠7128 J Capacity");

MEDIUM_CAPACITOR = new CustomItem(CustomSkull.getItem("eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvOTEzNjFlNTc2YjQ5M2NiZmRmYWUzMjg2NjFjZWRkMWFkZDU1ZmFiNGU1ZWI0MThiOTJjZWJmNjI3NWY4YmI0In19fQ=="), "&aMedium Energy Capacitor", "", "짠6Average Capacitor", "짠8\u21E8 짠e\u26A1 짠7512 J Capacity");

BIG_CAPACITOR = new CustomItem(CustomSkull.getItem("eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvOTEzNjFlNTc2YjQ5M2NiZmRmYWUzMjg2NjFjZWRkMWFkZDU1ZmFiNGU1ZWI0MThiOTJjZWJmNjI3NWY4YmI0In19fQ=="), "&aBig Energy Capacitor", "", "짠aMedium Capacitor", "짠8\u21E8 짠e\u26A1 짠71024 J Capacity");

LARGE_CAPACITOR = new CustomItem(CustomSkull.getItem("eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvOTEzNjFlNTc2YjQ5M2NiZmRmYWUzMjg2NjFjZWRkMWFkZDU1ZmFiNGU1ZWI0MThiOTJjZWJmNjI3NWY4YmI0In19fQ=="), "&aLarge Energy Capacitor", "", "짠2Good Capacitor", "짠8\u21E8 짠e\u26A1 짠78192 J Capacity");

CARBONADO_EDGED_CAPACITOR = new CustomItem(CustomSkull.getItem("eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvOTEzNjFlNTc2YjQ5M2NiZmRmYWUzMjg2NjFjZWRkMWFkZDU1ZmFiNGU1ZWI0MThiOTJjZWJmNjI3NWY4YmI0In19fQ=="), "&aCarbonado Edged Energy Capacitor", "", "짠4End-Game Capacitor", "짠8\u21E8 짠e\u26A1 짠765536 J Capacity");

CHEESE = new CustomItem(CustomSkull.getItem("eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMzRmZWJiYzE1ZDFkNGNjNjJiZWRjNWQ3YTJiNmYwZjQ2Y2Q1YjA2OTZhODg0ZGU3NWUyODllMzVjYmI1M2EwIn19fQ=="), "&rCheese");

BUTTER = new CustomItem(CustomSkull.getItem("eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvYjY2YjE5ZjdkNjM1ZDAzNDczODkxZGYzMzAxN2M1NDkzNjMyMDlhOGY2MzI4YTg1NDJjMjEzZDA4NTI1ZSJ9fX0="), "&rButter");

DUCT_TAPE = new CustomItem(CustomSkull.getItem("eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvYjJmYWFjZWFiNjM4NGZmZjVlZDI0YmI0NGE0YWYyZjU4NGViMTM4MjcyOWVjZDkzYTUzNjlhY2ZkNjY1NCJ9fX0="), "짠8Duct Tape", "", "&rYou can repair Items using this", "짠rin an Auto-Anvil");

URANIUM = new CustomItem(CustomSkull.getItem("eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvYzhiMjlhZmE2ZDZkYzkyM2UyZTEzMjRiZjgxOTI3NTBmN2JkYmRkYzY4OTYzMmEyYjZjMThkOWZlN2E1ZSJ9fX0="), "짠4Uranium", "", "짠2Radiation Level: HIGH", "&4&oHazmat Suit required");

SMALL_URANIUM = new CustomItem(CustomSkull.getItem("eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvYzhiMjlhZmE2ZDZkYzkyM2UyZTEzMjRiZjgxOTI3NTBmN2JkYmRkYzY4OTYzMmEyYjZjMThkOWZlN2E1ZSJ9fX0="), "짠cSmall Chunk of Uranium", "", "짠eRadiation Level: MODERATE", "&4&oHazmat Suit required");

TINY_URANIUM = new CustomItem(CustomSkull.getItem("eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvYzhiMjlhZmE2ZDZkYzkyM2UyZTEzMjRiZjgxOTI3NTBmN2JkYmRkYzY4OTYzMmEyYjZjMThkOWZlN2E1ZSJ9fX0="), "짠cTiny Pile of Uranium", "", "짠cRadiation Level: LOW", "&4&oNo Hazmat Suit required");

PROGRAMMABLE_ANDROID = new CustomItem(CustomSkull.getItem("eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMzUwM2NiN2VkODQ1ZTdhNTA3ZjU2OWFmYzY0N2M0N2FjNDgzNzcxNDY1YzlhNjc5YTU0NTk0Yzc2YWZiYSJ9fX0="), "짠cProgrammable Android &7(Normal)", "", "짠8\u21E8 짠7Function: None", "짠8\u21E8 짠7Fuel Efficiency: 1.0x");

PROGRAMMABLE_ANDROID_MINER = new CustomItem(CustomSkull.getItem("eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZTYzOGEyODU0MWFiM2FlMGE3MjNkNTU3ODczOGUwODc1ODM4OGVjNGMzMzI0N2JkNGNhMTM0ODJhZWYzMzQifX19"), "짠cProgrammable Android &7(Miner)", "", "짠8\u21E8 짠7Function: Mining", "짠8\u21E8 짠7Fuel Efficiency: 1.0x");

PROGRAMMABLE_ANDROID_FARMER = new CustomItem(CustomSkull.getItem("eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZjlkMzMzNTdlODQxODgyM2JmNzgzZGU5MmRlODAyOTFiNGViZDM5MmFlYzg3MDY2OThlMDY4OTZkNDk4ZjYifX19"), "짠cProgrammable Android &7(Farmer)", "", "짠8\u21E8 짠7Function: Farming", "짠8\u21E8 짠7Fuel Efficiency: 1.0x");

PROGRAMMABLE_ANDROID_WOODCUTTER = new CustomItem(CustomSkull.getItem("eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZDMyYTgxNDUxMDE0MjIwNTE2OWExYWQzMmYwYTc0NWYxOGU5Y2I2YzY2ZWU2NGVjYTJlNjViYWJkZWY5ZmYifX19"), "짠cProgrammable Android &7(Woodcutter)", "", "짠8\u21E8 짠7Function: Woodcutting", "짠8\u21E8 짠7Fuel Efficiency: 1.0x");

PROGRAMMABLE_ANDROID_BUTCHER = new CustomItem(CustomSkull.getItem("eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvM2I0NzJkZjBhZDlhM2JlODhmMmU1ZDVkNDIyZDAyYjExNmQ2NGQ4ZGYxNDc1ZWQzMmU1NDZhZmM4NGIzMSJ9fX0="), "짠cProgrammable Android &7(Butcher)", "", "짠8\u21E8 짠7Function: Slaughtering", "짠8\u21E8 짠7Fuel Efficiency: 1.0x");

GPS_TRANSMITTER = new CustomItem(CustomSkull.getItem("eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvYjBjOWMxYTAyMmY0MGI3M2YxNGI0Y2JhMzdjNzE4YzZhNTMzZjNhMjg2NGI2NTM2ZDVmNDU2OTM0Y2MxZiJ9fX0="), "짠bGPS Transmitter", "", "짠8\u21E8 짠e\u26A1 짠716 J Buffer", "짠8\u21E8 짠e\u26A1 짠72 J/s");

GPS_CONTROL_PANEL = new CustomItem(CustomSkull.getItem("eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZGRjZmJhNThmYWYxZjY0ODQ3ODg0MTExODIyYjY0YWZhMjFkN2ZjNjJkNDQ4MWYxNGYzZjNiY2I2MzMwIn19fQ=="), "짠bGPS Control Panel", "", "짠rAllows you to trach your Satellites", "짠rand manage your Waypoints");

GPS_EMERGENCY_TRANSMITTER = new CustomItem(CustomSkull.getItem("eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvYjBjOWMxYTAyMmY0MGI3M2YxNGI0Y2JhMzdjNzE4YzZhNTMzZjNhMjg2NGI2NTM2ZDVmNDU2OTM0Y2MxZiJ9fX0="), "짠cGPS Emergency Transmitter", "", "짠rCarrying this in your Inventory", "짠rautomatically sets a Waypoint", "짠rat your Location when you die.");

GPS_GEO_SCANNER = new CustomItem(CustomSkull.getItem("eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMmFkOGNmZWIzODdhNTZlM2U1YmNmODUzNDVkNmE0MTdiMjQyMjkzODg3ZGIzY2UzYmE5MWZhNDA5YjI1NGI4NiJ9fX0="), "짠bGPS Geo-Scanner", "", "짠rScans a Chunk for natural Resources", "짠rsuch as 짠8Oil");

OIL_PUMP = new CustomItem(CustomSkull.getItem("eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvYWZlMWEwNDBhNDI1ZTMxYTQ2ZDRmOWE5Yjk4MDZmYTJmMGM0N2VlODQ3MTFjYzE5MzJmZDhhYjMyYjJkMDM4In19fQ=="), "짠rOil Pump", "", "짠7Pumps up Oil and fills it into Buckets", "", "짠c짠l! 짠cMake sure to Geo-Scan the Chunk first");

BUCKET_OF_OIL = new CustomItem(CustomSkull.getItem("eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNmNlMDRiNDFkMTllYzc5MjdmOTgyYTYzYTk0YTNkNzlmNzhlY2VjMzMzNjMwNTFmZGUwODMxYmZhYmRiZCJ9fX0="), "짠rBucket of Oil");

BUCKET_OF_FUEL = new CustomItem(CustomSkull.getItem("eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvYTg0ZGRjYTc2NjcyNWI4Yjk3NDEzZjI1OWMzZjc2NjgwNzBmNmFlNTU0ODNhOTBjOGU1NTI1Mzk0ZjljMDk5In19fQ=="), "짠rBucket of Fuel");

} catch (Exception e) {






[08:21:18 ERROR]: Error occurred while enabling Slimefun v3.6.6 (Is it up to dat


java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: me/mrCookieSlime/Slimefun/Lists/SlimefunItems

        at me.mrCookieSlime.Slimefun.Setup.SlimefunSetup.setupItems(SlimefunSetu

p.java:107) ~[?:?]

        at me.mrCookieSlime.Slimefun.main.onEnable(main.java:104) ~[?:?]

        at org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPlugin.setEnabled(JavaPlugin.java:321) ~[s


        at org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPluginLoader.enablePlugin(JavaPluginLoader

.java:340) [spigot-1.8.8.jar:git-Spigot-db6de12-07c3001]

        at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin(SimplePluginManage

r.java:405) [spigot-1.8.8.jar:git-Spigot-db6de12-07c3001]

        at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_8_R3.CraftServer.loadPlugin(CraftServer.jav

a:357) [spigot-1.8.8.jar:git-Spigot-db6de12-07c3001]

        at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_8_R3.CraftServer.enablePlugins(CraftServer.

java:317) [spigot-1.8.8.jar:git-Spigot-db6de12-07c3001]

        at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.MinecraftServer.s(MinecraftServer.java:4

14) [spigot-1.8.8.jar:git-Spigot-db6de12-07c3001]

        at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.MinecraftServer.k(MinecraftServer.java:3

78) [spigot-1.8.8.jar:git-Spigot-db6de12-07c3001]

        at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.MinecraftServer.a(MinecraftServer.java:3

33) [spigot-1.8.8.jar:git-Spigot-db6de12-07c3001]

        at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.DedicatedServer.init(DedicatedServer.jav

a:263) [spigot-1.8.8.jar:git-Spigot-db6de12-07c3001]

        at net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java

:525) [spigot-1.8.8.jar:git-Spigot-db6de12-07c3001]

        at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745) [?:1.8.0_65]

Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: me.mrCookieSlime.Slimefun.Lists.Sli


        at java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(URLClassLoader.java:381) ~[?:1.8.0_


        at org.bukkit.plugin.java.PluginClassLoader.findClass(PluginClassLoader.

java:101) ~[spigot-1.8.8.jar:git-Spigot-db6de12-07c3001]

        at org.bukkit.plugin.java.PluginClassLoader.findClass(PluginClassLoader.

java:86) ~[spigot-1.8.8.jar:git-Spigot-db6de12-07c3001]

        at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:424) ~[?:1.8.0_65]

        at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:357) ~[?:1.8.0_65]

        ... 13 more

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